lunes, 31 de marzo de 2008

I love jeans!

I love jeans!

My Levi´s advert (1992)

Gael García Bernal y otros chicos en jeans!

Gael García Bernal

Derivation of the word "denim"

There are a few schools of thought with regard to the derivation of the word “denim.” Pascale Gorguet-Ballesteros, of the Musee de la Mode et du Costume in Paris, has done some interesting research on both of these issues. A fabric called “serge de Nimes,” was known in France prior to the 17th century. At the same time, there was also a fabric knownin France as “nim.” Both fabrics were composed partly of wool.

Ben Affleck and more sexy guys in jeans!

Ben Affleck

La revolución de los jeans

La revolución del jeans en los años 50 y 60 del siglo XX fue total, a partir de la utilización de la prenda por dos desconocidos jóvenes actores: Marlon Brando, en el film “The Wild One” (El salvaje), de 1954 y James Dean, en “Rebel Without a Cause” (Rebelde sin causa), de 1955. Los jóvenes adoptaron, en ese entonces, la imagen del jeans para cuestionar el status quo. Otras figuras míticas que popularizaron a al uso del jean fueron: Elvis Presley, en su "Rock de la Cárcel" y, entre las estrellas femeninas, Marilyn Monroe y ya en los ´80, Madonna.

domingo, 30 de marzo de 2008

He is beautiful in jeans!

Ronald N. Tan is beautiful in jeans!

Levi´s 501 Jeans Oilrig

Rafaello Balzo and more beautiful guys in jeans!

Rafaello Balzo

Rafaello Balzo

Juan Carlos García

Origin of the name Denim

Legend and fact are also interwoven when scholars discuss the origin of the name denim itself. Most reference books say that denim is an English corruption of the French “serge de Nimes;” a serge fabric from the town of Nimes in France. However, some scholars have begun to question this tradition.

Chicos en jeans siempre hermosos!

Los jeans: prenda masculina por excelencia

A principios de los 50’ los jeans tenían una imagen definida: era la prenda masculina y americana por excelencia. Mas tarde se sumaría un nuevo elemento: la imagen del joven rebelde.

sábado, 22 de marzo de 2008

AussieBum and jeans... Adorables!

Sehzad Hassan Private Levi´s Commercial

AussieBum and jeans... I love them!

Denim is one of the world´s oldest fabrics

In 1969 a writer for American Fabrics magazine declared, “Denim is one of the world’s oldest fabrics, yet it remains eternally young.” If continuous use of and interest in an item makes it “eternally young,” then denim certainly qualifies. From the 17th century to the present, denim has been woven, used and discarded; made into upholstery, pants and awnings; found in museums, attics, antique stores and archaeological digs; worn as the fabric of hard, honest work and as the expression of angry rebellion; used for the sails of Columbus’ ships in legend; and worn by American cowboys in fact.

Los chicos asiáticos adoran usar jeans!

El jeans simboliza al individuo independiente

A partir de la figura de John Wayne en el film La Diligencia y, de manera posterior, Gary Cooper (entre los actores más reconocidos de los westerns clásicos), los consumidores empezaron a asociar a la imagen del jeans con un estilo de vida independiente y una actitud caracterizada por reglas impuestas por el mismo individuo.

viernes, 21 de marzo de 2008

Asian guys love jeans!

Asian guys love jeans!

Levi´s Swap

A Short History of Denim

(c) Lynn Downey, Levi Strauss & Co. Historian

Denim is more than just a cotton fabric; it inspires strong opinions within the hearts of historians, designers, teenagers, movie stars, reporters and writers. Interest bordering on passion can be found among textile and costume historians today, especially in the debate over the true origins of denim. These experts have put decades of work into their research; here is a summary of the prevailing opinions about the birth of denim, followed by a discussion of the way Levi Strauss & Co. has helped to contribute to denim’s movement around the world.

Men in jeans are so sexy!

Triunfo del jeans en la década de los 80

Para finales de la década de los ochenta, fueron cayendo uno a uno los muros que separaban a los jeans de los talleres de los mejores diseñadores del mundo. Las grandes casas de moda dedican ahora tiempo y espacio al diseño del denim. Entran en competencia en el mercado Versace, Armani y varios más, aunque su target es otro que el de los grandes fabricantes que se sitúan en este orden: Levi's, Lee, Wrangler y Lois.